OK, I take a break from my “What I Have Learned” series to focus on some subjects that just won’t let go of my head. The first one is global warming.
Wait – before you click away – this is not another “gloom and doom” article; nor is this a “there’s nothing to worry about” article. For in times like these I refer to one of my major foundational points to understanding the world: More often than not, the answer lies somewhere in the middle of the argument. This is true in any case where two sides debate a subject. And man, is there plenty of debate about global warming – at least from where I can observe. But there is no way I will be able to sway anyone reading this blog that their point of view may be faulty; so I will not even try.
I simply am waiting, still, for proof that the Earth is warming; and if so, that it’s anything other than a natural cycle. I haven’t seen the proof; I don’t know anyone personally that has seen it. If by “seeing it” you mean you saw “An Inconvenient Truth,” then maybe we should part company right now. I saw that movie more than once, and that movie proves nothing except that Al Gore is a freak and a pretty good propagandist. (In case you don’t know, there are serious problems with Gore’s charts.) If by “seeing it” you mean that it’s what they say all the time on television, then maybe we should part now as well. Television news is the biggest waste of time I have ever witnessed. I usually watch just to point out all of the journalistic mistakes included in each broadcast. That includes the Weather Channel. Television news is merely regurgitating what they see coming over the wire services. They are in the business of creating conflict so they can report on it. I know, I’ve been there.
Oh, I know, everybody says it’s true, but where is the proof? I don’t want to know how many scientists signed on to a global warming document; nor do I wish to hear about the scientists that didn’t sign on to it. That’s a game that scientists play with politicians, interest groups and universities. I don’t trust any of them. As a teacher I know that if someone understands an issue, they can explain it to someone else in their own words. No scientist, politician or news service has ever even tried to explain it to me so I can understand it. Therefore, they don’t know what they’re talking about. My local weather man can explain the weather so I can understand. Of course, my local weather man has no idea what’s going to happen next Thursday, let alone in a 30-year climate cycle. I know, it’s different science; but then again, it’s all based on computer models.
I’ve also heard outrageous claims by those who discount the effects of global warming. It’s not just one side that exaggerates; but frankly the side claiming the world is coming to an end should be burdened with a greater level of proof. Either way I submit the truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.
Here’s what I do know: When I was married on February 22, 1992, the temperature in Granite City, IL was 75 degrees. Seventeen years later, last Sunday, the temperature was 35 degrees. That’s a half of a 30-year cycle and the temperature dropped 40 degrees. I don’t see a warming climate here.
Now I know that was a ridiculous analogy, but it’s not any more ridiculous then the plethora of news stories one sees in January when the temperature happens to hit 70 degrees or something. There’s an ulterior motive; an agenda driving these news services and politicians. Until they can present their argument in a logical, reasoned manner that makes sense I will continue to reject it as folly.
The fact is it was a pretty cold winter this year, and it’s not over yet, as much as I want it to be. The last few winters were warmer it seemed, but the summers haven’t been as hot lately. I don’t know what is going on, maybe it’s just the weather.
Is the Earth warming? I don’t know, but I contend you don’t either. Is man causing this warming? I doubt it, but give me some real evidence and I’ll get on the bandwagon. Does it mean the end of the world? I seriously doubt that, unless that is what God has planned … I’m sorry, I just reverted to the religious angle, and I’ve lost many of you. How can I preach logic and reason and then play the God card? So where do you place your faith, in the government? Man? Science? These entities let me down all the time. God has never let me down.
There are two more things that I will add to my list of fundamental points to understanding the world. God is in control, and already knows how this whole thing turns out. I’ll trust in Him. Secondly, there is a real chance that man could screw this thing up. That’s why we must be good stewards while we are here on Earth. It’s important that we take care of the environment and try to save energy and resources. That’s not liberal or conservative, it just makes sense. We must make good choices and leave the rest to God. So I look to Him, and no one else. Do we need alternate sources of energy? Yes, I think it’s vital that we shift our technology as soon as possible. The lives of our children and grandchildren may be in danger. But it’s not going to be rising oceans or melting ice caps that will do it. It’s crazy, power-hungry elites who don’t care a bit about what happens to me or my family. Give me something I can understand, will you? Your empty predictions about what could happen just don’t hold water to me. Show me the money. Where’s the beef? Tell me something that helps me understand the issue, or that shows me you know what you’re talking about. The rest just doesn’t make sense to me. Give me a clue or shut up.