Hello all, after a much-too-long absence. It’s good to be back in front of the keyboard.
I do wish to draw your attention to the badge at left; I am now proudly a member of HighCalling Blogs, and it is my wish to incorporate more Scriptural themes into my writings. I joined HighCalling for at least two reasons: I want more people to read my blog; and hopefully being in this community will afford that. Plus, I want to read more blogs from people that are trying to apply Scripture into their lives and are passionate about spreading their ideas. This website was recommended to me by a current member; and I'm very glad to be a part of it.
I find that far too many writers like to start with a thesis and use the Bible to prove their point. That is easy to do. As a historian, and a writer of numerous theses, I can tell you that all or most research papers are done this same way. The author has an idea, or maybe a hypothesis, and begins exploring ways to prove his point. Ninety-nine percent of the time, this can be done with moderate research. Sometimes it’s more difficult, sometimes less. But this is still the approach. So it is, far too often, for the Christian writer with an opinion.
I plan to do things a little backwards. I will read a passage that I find interesting, then try to discover what it means for me and our culture. I will try to let the Scripture lead me to a conclusion, instead of the other way around. We’ll see how well that works.
I will also continue to spout off, which is my favorite thing to do. By spouting off I mean things not of Scripture, but of opinion, that I wish to state for the record whether I can prove it or not. But as you know, I often am asking for proof from others, rather than making claims that I cannot back up.
To those of you that may be reading my blog for the first time, I would like to direct your attention to the archives section. Although in some ways dated, I am very proud of these earlier essays about Economics and Culture; and I invite all to browse through those at your leisure.
I do not take cheap shots. I do not do drive-bys. I am by nature conservative; yet I find myself becoming more Libertarian every day. I am a registered Independent, and I do not play the political party games. I continue to search for the truth in everything.
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