23 October 2010


I'm into day three of migraines, which I didn't even start getting until I was in my late 40s, so I will keep this post short and sweet. But it's been too long, I had to write something.

It's a little over a week before Election Day. You will never, ever, get party politics from me. I simply do not play that game. I understand it's the way our system works, but it's become so bad, and so irrelevant to what's really important, that is has no use to me in the real world. I saw a post on Facebook recently that said, "Research, pray, vote." That sums it up for me. Please do not take television advertisements and file that under "research." It's not. It's like the horoscope in the Sunday paper, it's in there for entertainment purposes only. None of it is real. Look for candidates that give you a reason to vote "for" them, not "against" someone else. Vote for candidates that express a clear vision of what their district/state/country should look like; and what the candidate will do to move toward that goal.

Beware of candidates that have little experience working in the real world. Avoid those who speak more favorably about the government than they do about the citizens. Find out which candidates have a religious faith, and have not been shy about discussing it or proclaiming it.

More than anything, pray. Ask God for guidance, and wisdom. That's what I have been doing -- in many aspects of my life.


I want to be king for a day, so I can make major campaign reforms across this country. Severely cut back on the time allowed to campaign for office. Make the campaign season much shorter, and make money less of a factor in who gets elected. Don't even allow a national candidate to announce their candidacy until six months before an election.


Tony LaRussa will be back for the Cardinals. I can't say I'm surprised; I can't say I'm thrilled. He says he's going to press base-running more. He's going to take a different attitude with the media and the players. Did he see Dr. Phil after the season ended?


Josh Hamilton is quickly becoming one of my favorite players, right up there with Albert Pujols. His story is so amazing, so powerful and so real that I start to shed a tear every time he starts talking about God. His teammates seem to be rallying around him, too. I was moved when, as he was accepting his series MVP award Friday night, he mentioned that the glory went to God and thousands of Texans applauded and cheered. He was so far down, so broken and so messed up. It proves that God is with us, all the time. All it takes is for us to move toward Him, and He will be there to pull us up out of the mud.


Is "randomness" even a word?

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